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What are the recommended Browsers and internet settings for the site?

It is recommended that you use a PC with Windows along with the following web browser Google Chrome, Fire Fox or Microsoft Edge. If you are using a Mac, please use the Safari web browser. Please do not use Internet Explorer as it is no longer supported by Microsoft.

For viewing webinars, we recommend viewing through a hard-wired internet connection, as wireless connections can be prone to more frequent disruptions in the delivery of the feed. Also, please make sure you do not have pop-ups disabled in your internet browser settings.

How do I test my browser?

Log-in to your account. Click on the "View" button of the event you are registered for. On the right click on the button "Test Your Broswer". It is recommended that you test your browser, several days before the event.

How do I register?

If it is your first time to the learning center, you must "Create an Account". After which return to the learning center and log-in using your account email and password.

If you already visited the site and build an account, use your account email and password to log-in to the learning center.

* Please note that the password is case sensitive. In addition, if you copy and paste there may be spaces before or after the text and the password will not work. Alternatively, please try typing in your password.

How do I log-in?

Go to the learning center, typically listed in the confirmation email or via the Lifespan Network website. Then select "log in" where you will enter your account email address and password.

Once you have successfully logged in, you will need to find the navigation panel and look for "My Dashboard". This houses all of the programs in which you have registered.

Next, locate the title of the event and click on it. This will take you the event description page. Finally, enter the meeting by clicking on the viewing button, typically this is found on the right side of the screen.

* Please note that you may not be able to log in until 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the event.

How do I view/participate in sessions?

Once you complete your registration, please go to Dashboard section, select the event, and click on "Join/Enter Meeting" icon on the right of the webpage to view the presentation.

For Live Webinars or Live Stream, you may enter 15 minutes before the session starts on the day of the event.

My password isn't working.

If you do not remember the password to your account, go to the learning center and find the login button. Once selected, the login page will have a link for forgotten password which will allow you to reset. If you do not see an email notification of the request, please double check your spam/junk folders to ensure the email did not filter in there.

Where can I find my handouts?

Go to the learning center, typically this is listed in the email registration confirmation or remainder. Then select "log in" where you will enter your account email address and password.

Once you have successfully logged in, if you are not currently on the event description page you will need to find the navigation panel and look for "My Dashboard" or "My Events". This houses all your registered  programs.

Next, locate the title of the event and click on it. This will take you the event description page.

Beneath the event title there will be a series of tabs. If materials are available there will be a tab labeled "Handouts". When selected a list of available presentation materials will be listed. When selected, the documents will open. From there you will be able to save and print them.

My screen is frozen. How do I fix it?

To determine a solution for the frozen screen, is the chat window on the left or right side of the screen?

On the left... Please try refreshing your browsers by selecting F5 on a PC keyboard or selecting Command+R on a Mac.

On the right... Please try refreshing your browsers by selecting F5 on a PC keyboard or selecting Command+R on a Mac.If refreshing does not correct the problem, please find the "Support Tab" in the meeting platform. Then click on the button titled "Secondary Feed". This will activate a secondary stream.

* For viewing webinars, we recommend viewing through a hard-wired internet connection, as wireless connections can be prone to more frequent disruptions in the delivery of the feed.

Can I get a certificate and/or continuing education credits (CEU) for the webinar/live-stream event I attend?

The majority of the online training offers a certificate of completion. If the training offers CEUs it will be indicated in the program description under the "Continuing Education" tab of the event and it will also indicate which profession (administrator, assisted living manager, social work or nursing). The CEU will be indicated on the certificate. An attendance/validation code is required in order to print your certificate. The attendance code is distributed at the end of each webinar. Attendees are required to enter the code before they can print the certificate. 

Can I cancel an order?

Yes, email Annmarie Gordon at and request a cancellation. As a reminder, please read the cancellation policy in the program description for each program under the tab “Cancellation Policy” as a fee and other restrictions may apply.