(ALM 20hrs) Leadership and Management Skills for Women: Become the Leader You've Always Wanted to Be! - 4-PART SERIES (ON-DEMAND)
- LifeSpan Member (Per Person) - $130
- Non-Member (Per Person) - $150
Women are finally well represented in supervisory and management positions in most organizations across the country. Yet, despite the tremendous advances over the years, many continue to find themselves facing tough challenges as leaders and managers. From getting mixed messages and mixed reactions, all too often, they get mixed results when leading others.
That’s why this leadership training opportunity for women has been designed to build on a woman’s inherent talent and strengths. The skills you learn in this four-part webinar series will help you become more effective, more confident and more successful as a leader.
You’ll learn with other professional women in healthcare and leave motivated and armed with must-have leadership tools that make an immediate impact while becoming a highly effective, inspiring leader that others will follow.
Learning Objectives
- Establish your leadership image by coming across as authoritative, self-possessed, and in control
- Gain respect through your words, actions, and judicious "use of power"
- Improve your decision-making and problem-solving skill
- Shatter the old cliché of the "aggressive" woman (compared to the "assertive" man)
- Motivate and mentor: you and your team will reap the benefits
- Tap into the realities of power, politics, and leadership to cultivate and use your influence
- Lead in times of crisis by keeping your cool — and seeing that others keep theirs
- How to recognize and eliminate behaviors that hinder your success
- How to address conflict promptly and directly — like a leader
- How to push back diplomatically when requests and deadlines are unreasonable
PART I -- Demonstrating Value as a Leader: See yourself — and be Seen by Others — as a Leader
- The characteristics of effective leaders in the 21st century workplace (Hint: they're not what they once were)
- What women bring to the leadership role: a look at our unique contributions
- Bossy… moody… emotional… overcoming the labels women sometimes gets saddled with
- Define your leadership identity and its effect on others
- How to strip back the layers, create your own personal brand and let it blossom?
- Honestly assess where you need improvement — even small changes pay big dividends!
- Countering gender bias: tips…and a few warnings
PART II – Discover and Strengthen Your Leadership Style: Develop All the Right Stuff
- How to identify your own unique leadership style and use it to your advantage
- Emotional Intelligence: its role in leadership, and why many women have a natural edge here
- A look at personality traits and how they affect leadership style
- Stop trying to “fit in” — the benefits of being who you naturally are
- Understanding your leadership style and how to play into your strengths and downplay your weaknesses
- How to separate being liked from being respected
- How to take credit for your accomplishments without bragging
- Increasing your visibility: How to overcome the double bind women often find themselves in
- How to stop talking too fast, apologizing, over-explaining — and making other credibility-robbing mistakes
PART III -- Develop High-Impact Communication Skills: Always communicate purposefully and meaningfully (February 21, 2020)
- The nervous presenter — how to stay calm when presenting ideas to top management and let your natural expertise, professionalism, and style show through
- Hints to help you shatter the old cliché of the aggressive woman and assert yourself without seeming pushy
- How really listening can make you a much better leader
- How to be heard in meetings: Pounding the table won’t work, but these tips will
- How to accept responsibility for a mistake and put a positive spin on it
- Communication breakdown: If you can’t get your message across, how can anyone act on it?
- How to astutely “read” an individual or group and adapt your communication style accordingly
- Emotional intelligence in action! 5 tips you’ll use every day
- How to get over pre-presentation nervousness and speak comfortably before groups of any size
- How to courteously but firmly take back the floor in meetings when interrupted
- How to say “no” when appropriate — without sounding like the “Queen of Mean”
PART IV: Turn Around Challenges and Become an Opportunity-Driven Leader: Lead Your Team Successfully (February 28, 2020)
- How to disagree without being negatively labeled behind your back
- Conflict: Fight or flight? Here’s a better option
- When disagreements arise…step into a leader’s role by adopting these 3 behaviors
- How to appear immune to cruel words, potshots and personal attacks (even when you’re not)
- When it’s okay to show emotions, when to rein them in and how to tell the difference
- Dealing with hotheads, know-it-alls and other difficult characters: Is your leadership showing?
- Relationship-building skills that will rally your troops, boost morale, and get people to trust and respect one another
- Simple techniques that bring out the best in your team members
- Praise, rewards, and recognition — how to show you value your team members and encourage them to perform at their peak
- Female leaders, supervisors and managers
CEU- 6.75
- Assisted Living Manager
Fees are per person
LifeSpan Member: $130.00
Nonmember: $150.00
An attendance/validation code is required in order to print your certificate. The attendance code is distributed at the end of each webinar. Attendees are required to enter the code before they can print the certificate.
This program is sponsored by The Beacon Institute. This course is approved for 6.75 continuing education.
Assisted Living ManagerThis program is approved by the Office of Health Care Quality for continuing education for assisted living managers.
There is no refund for On-Demand programs.